:trigo() :Prgm :ClrIO :@------------déclarations :Local bas,smc,côt,smb :Local hyp,pen,côn,rep :Local per,sur,vol,vcn :@---------initialisations :0->bas:0->smc:0->côt:0->smb :0->hyp:0->pen:0->côn:0->rep :0->per:0->sur:0->vol:0->vcn :@---------------questions :Disp "Tapez 0 si non conn ue" :Input "base ?",bas :If bas<>0 :rep+1->rep :Input "Angle C ?",smc :If smc<>0 :rep+1->rep :If rep>1 :Goto slv1 :Input "côté ?",côt :If côt<>0 :rep+1->rep :If rep>1 :Goto slv1 :Input "Angle B ?",smb :If smb<>0 :rep+1->rep :If rep>1 :Goto slv1 :Input "hypoténuse ?",hyp :If hyp<>0 :rep+1->rep :If rep>1 :Goto slv1 :Input "pente ?",pen :If pen<>0 :rep+1->rep :If rep>1 :Goto slv1 :Input "cônicité ?",côn :If côn<>0 :rep+1->rep :If rep>1 :Goto slv1 :ClrIO :Disp "Pas asser d'argumen t !" :Goto fin :@-----------------solve 1 :Lbl SLV1 :If pen<>0 :tan-1(pen/100)->smc :If côn<>0 :tan-1(côn/200)->smc :If bas<>0 and smc<>0 Then :bas/cos(smc)->hyp :bas*tan(smc)->côt :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If côt<>0 and smb<>0 Then :côt/cos(smb)->hyp :côt*tan(smb)->bas :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If hyp<>0 and smc<>0 Then :hyp*cos(smc)->bas :hyp*sin(smc)->côt :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If hyp<>0 and smb<>0 Then :hyp*sin(smb)->bas :hyp*cos(smb)->côt :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If côt<>0 and smc<>0 Then :côt/sin(smc)->hyp :côt/tan(smc)->bas :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If bas<>0 and smb<>0 Then :bas/sin(smb)->hyp :bas/tan(smb)->côt :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If bas<>0 and côt<>0 Then :tan-1(côt/bas)->smc :bas/cos(smc)->hyp :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If bas<>0 and hyp<>0 Then :sin-1(bas/hyp)->smb :bas/tan(smb)->côt :Goto slv2 :EndIf :If côt<>0 and hyp<>0 Then sin-1(côt/hyp)->smc :côt/tan(smc)->bas :EndIf :@-----------------solve 2 :Lbl SLV2 :If smb=0 :90-smc->smb :If smc=0 :90-smb->smc :If pen=0 :tan(smc)*100->pen :If côn=0 :tan(smc)*200->côn :hyp+bas+côt->per :bas*côt/2->sur :pi*bas^2*hyp/3->vcn :vcn/2->vol :@---------------affichage :ClrIO :Output -3,1,"côté........ =" :Output -3,80,côt :Output 5,1,"base......... =" :Output 5,80,bas :Output 13,1,"hypoténuse.. =" :Output 13,80,hyp :Output 21,1,"Angle C..... =" :Output 21,80,smc :Output 29,1,"Angle B..... =" :Output 29,80,smb :Output 37,1,"périm=" :Output 37,38,per :Output 37,80,"surf=" :Output 37,115,sur :Output 45,1,"volume.3D... =" :Output 45,60,vol :Output 53,1,"volume.côn.. =" :Output 53,80,vcn :Output 61,1,"pente=" :Output 61,38,pen :Output 61,80,"cônicité=" :Output 61,115,côn :@---------------------FIN :Lbl FIN :EndPrgm